
Cherome White Ministries brings biblically based messages and principles. Lessons that you can apply in your every day life.



Summary This episode reminds you that God has not forgotten you. Don’t become frustrated while waiting for Heaven to respond to your prayer requests. You will find helpful tips on what to do while you’re waiting to hear from Heaven. Listen and allow this episode to encourage, comfort and strengthen your faith in the Lord.…

The Anatomy of a Godly Woman Part 2

Summary This episode will share with you the internal workings of the godly woman. The godly woman is not from a specific walk of life. She can be from any background, educated or uneducated, affluent or non-affluent. A godly woman is not perfect, she fears the Lord, behaves, speaks with wisdom and so much more.…

The MisRepresentation of Faith

Summary I don’t want believers to be naive about how faith works. We must know that faith in the Bible is both practical and supernatural. There are God responsibilities and there are our responsibilities. Faith without works is dead. Believing in only God’s promises without knowing or believing in what our corresponding responsibility is, is…


Your Host

Cherome White

Cherome is married and the mother of one teenager. She has been podcasting for two years about topics she’s passionate about and absolutely loves. This podcast will give you a chance to hear her share her faith and insight, in a somewhat quirky way, on a variety of themes related to ministry, today’s christian woman, parenting and her perspective on marriage.

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